Realtek Pcie Gbe Family Controller Windows 10 Driver
Realtek PCIe FE Family Controller driver for Windows 10. Stay Private and Protected with the Best Firefox Security Extensions The Best Video Software for Windows The 3 Free Microsoft Office.
Specs: Dell Inspiron 7737 Windows 8.1 (but have recently upgraded to Windows 10) 64-bit, i7-4510U @ 2.00GHz I recently updated all my drivers on my laptop since I also updated to Windows 10. When I updated the driver for my RealTek PCIe GBE Family Controller (10.1. Or something like that) I started having a lot of issues. Alldata 10.53 install disk.

My wireless would work fine but when I would plug in my ethernet cable my internet would stop working after about 2-8 minutes. I would then run the network troubleshooter and I would either get 'Default Gateway not detected' or 'No ethernet cable detected'. At this point I would either have to restart my router, my computer or both in order to get my wired connection to work again, otherwise I would just use wi-fi. I reverted back to the old driver version (8.19.726.2013) and haven't had any issues yet but it's only been about 15 minutes. Firebird download mozilla. Should I just stay with this old driver or is there another work around where I can the new version to actually work properly? Is there someplace I can get one of the drivers that came in between my old driver and the new one?